Hello there - this is my first post in ages and ages (I've been concentrating on my http://pinkbeard.blogspot.com ). It's just a little post today.
It's a poem from a dream I had last night. I've no idea whether it's been written down by anyone before, or whether my brain thought it up whilst in sleep, or even the context in which it appeared in my dream. I think I was saying it to someone, because I'm a big romantic soppy workshy fop, but I really can't remember.
Here it is:
"Vers mes reves, ma couer, la mer et le ciel,
Toujours il y a seulement trois choses:
Moi, toi, et rien..."
Yes, it's in French (not sure how good the grammar is, but heigh-ho). Basically it means:
"Across my dreams, my heart, the sea and the sky,
There's always only three things:
Me, you, and nothing..."
If I did think it up without any outside influences, I'm AMAZING.
Actually, sod the 'if', I am AMAZING anyway. I'm great!
If you'd like to send me money or treasure, please feel free.